
发表于: 2019-4-3 11:40:34 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 |倒序浏览

年夜 家好!“外企头条”栏目又跟年夜 家见面了。在互联网和数字化时代,旅行社的机遇是如何激发灵感。艾玛迪斯亚太区零售旅游渠道高等 副总裁建帕·马哲仕(Champa Magesh)撰写的署名文章《办事 与科技的完美融合,将造诣 零售旅行社的未来》。



“Brick-and-mortar stores are dead. Everyone will be online all the time.” These are two assumptions that I cannot agree with, particularly if we take a look at the world of retailing.

全球最年夜 的电子商务和云计算平台亚马逊正在着手扩年夜 其传统的实体零售店面,并许诺 打造全新的购物体验。

Amazon, the world’s largest ecommerce and cloud computing platform, is choosing to expand its traditional, physical retail storefronts, promising to create what will be an all-new shopping experience.

中国电子商务的骄子 阿里巴巴正在利用云商务、数字购物应用和位置数据剖析 等科技,年夜 力改革 其旗下 65 家盒马鲜生超市的线下购物体验。

Chinese ecommerce darling Alibaba is harnessing the power of cloud commerce, digital shopping applications, and location data analytics to innovate the offline shopping experience in its 65 Hema Supermarkets.

以实际情况是怎样?消费者更倾向于线下购物还是线上购物?我认为零售业专家克里斯·沃尔顿说得异常 对,他指出,新零售正在崛起。

So what is going on? Do consumers want to shop offline or online? I think Chris Walton puts it perfectly when he says we’re seeing the rise of “New Retail”.

新零售是指个性化的物理空间,在这里,购物不再等同于购买  ,消费者的体验变得高度定制和个性化。

The personalised physical space, where shopping is no longer the same as buying, and no two consumer experiences are the same.

阿里巴巴和亚马逊都在向他们的客户转达 这样的信息:“无论选择线下购物还是线上购物,您都能随时随地、随心所欲地购您所想。 ”

What Alibaba and Amazon are telling their customers is that “actually you can have whatever you want, however you want, and wherever you want, regardless of whether you are physically within a store or not.”

这就是零售旅行社的未来,也是零售旅行社的机遇。早年 ,作为旅游从业者,我们一直在思考如何预订。

This is the future – and the opportunity – for retail travel agencies. Historically, as an industry, we’ve always thought about how we book.


Then came the internet and digitisation, and we said let’s add on how we search. Now, I think the question for travel agents is how do we inspire.

现在,您可能会思考如何通过您的网站,为您的旅行社及客服中心带来客流。这些都属于商业问题,但要产生  这种客流则需要灵感的激发。

Now, you might instead be thinking how you can generate traffic to your stores, through your website, and to your call centres. That’s the business question, but what needs to happen to generate that traffic is the inspiration.

我认为传统的旅行社商业模式不会就此消亡。然而,旅行社需要拥抱变革  ,以保卫 他们的办事 和价值。

I don’t believe the traditional travel agent business model is dead, as such. However, travel agents will need to embrace disruption to safeguard their services and value.


The challenge for travel agents is that travellers, in particular the millennial generation, are not relying on retail stores to plan their next vacation.

而是同时借助于在线旅行社、出版  物、社交媒体和亲友推荐来制定购买  决策。

They’reusing a combination of OTAs, publishers, social media and referrals to drive their purchase decision.

如今,旅行社明白,面对消费者和商务旅行的数字化趋势,他们需要改进  所使用的技术。

Today, travel agents know that to compete with the digitisation of consumer and corporate travel, they need to evolve the technology they use.

一直以来,整个零售旅行社的商业模式都以办事 为核心,而现在则需要将物理空间、数字搜索和个性选择全面结合起来。

The entire retail travel agency business model has been about the human touch – now it’s about combining the physical, digital and human.

它需要某种形式的人际互动,但也需要通过线上、移动端以及实体商号 的多渠道笼罩 。

They need some form of human interaction, but they also need to be omni-channel – working across multiple channels, online, mobile and brick-and-mortar.

那么,零售旅行社如何激发旅行者的旅行灵感呢?他们需要什么样的对象 ?

How then, do retail travel agencies inspire their travellers? And what are the tools they need?


To become true designers of the future travel experience, travel agents need to harness the power of three.


旅行者想要透明的办事 和选择的自由,并且  经常 在最后一刻提出需求。

Travellers want transparency and choice; and they want it last minute.

旅行者会向旅行社咨询旅行计划,而不是购买  产品  ,因此他们会要求提供更多的旅游内容和旅游信息,例如路线查询、餐馆预订和不雅 光建议。

Travellers will look to travel agents for trip planning, not product selling – they will demand more travel content and trip information such as routing, restaurant bookings and sight-seeing recommendations.

为满足客户需求,旅行社需要拥有比以往加倍 全面的旅游内容。

To deliver this, travel agents will need to have a far more comprehensive source of content than they’ve ever had before.

随着 5G、6G 高速网络的安排 ,旅游内容将随处可见,视频内容将多于文字内容。

The implementation of 5G, 6G high-speed networks will see the ubiquity of travel content. More video than text is expected.

但这种旅游内容也变得加倍 碎片化,充斥  着五花八门的订价 选项、票价类型、忠诚度计划以及多个中间人,即便对于老练的淘客来说,购物进程 也不会轻松。

But this content is also becoming more fragmented; the myriad of pricing options, fare types, loyalty programs and multiple middle men does not allow for an easy shopping process, even for a sophisticated online shopper.

旅行社需要针对航空公司、酒店、替代住宿和地面交通等旅游内容的处理  方法 为客户进行专门定制,

Travel agents will need to customise how this content – airline, hotel, alternative lodging, and ground transport – is being managed for their customers.

例如通过交互式屏幕共享旅游选项,让客户可以灵活地选择他们想要的内容,然后交由旅行社处理  。

like sharing travel option through interactive screens that allow customers the flexibility to choose what they want and leave the fulfilment to the agency.

个性化办事 /Personalise

旅行社需要采取 预测技术以提供个性化的办事 。

Travel agents need to embrace predictive technology to deliver personalised services.

比如  ,计划度假的家庭需要与前往加入 婚礼的小我 区别看待 。

A family planning a vacation needs to be treated differently to an individual travelling to attend a wedding.

深度学习和人工智能 (AI) 算法的成长 为旅游业的应用带来了新的机遇,包含 旅游目的地灵感激  发以及预订自动化等等。

The development of deep learning and artificial intelligencealgorithms, brings new opportunities for applications in the travel industry; from inspiration of where to go, to automation of reservations.

机器学习可依据 旅行者以前的旅游体验和喜好为其打造高度个性化的体验。

Machine learning can build a highly-personalised experience for travellers, based on their previous travel experiences and preferences.

有时,机器学习可以与语音和自然语言处理  结合使用。

In some cases, machine learning could be aided with voice and natural language processing.

旅行者希望其应用法度模范   或电脑能够依据 他们的语音指令做出响应。

Travellers will want to be able to tell their application or computer what to do.

设计最有效的语音方法 来销售高价值和高介入 度产品  将是旅行社的未来。

Travel agents that devise the most efficient way of selling high-value and high engagement products via voice will be the future.


物联网应用开始通过将庞杂 的系统和流程连接到智能设备来简化酒店、航空公司和其他旅行组织的运营,从而打造无缝的最终客户体验。

We’re beginning to see the application of Internet of Things (IoT) in streamlining the operations of the hotels, airlines and other travel organisations by connecting complex systems and processes to smart devices, to create a seamless end customer experience.

而这只是冰山一角。5G 网络将会实现年夜 范围 连接,包含 从智能门传感器到全智能家居、平安 办事 和监控办事 等方方面面。

And this is just the tip of the iceberg; the design of 5G networks will see mass scale connectivity, everything from smart door sensors to fully intelligent homes, security services and monitoring services.

对旅行社而言,物联网有潜力解决客户的痛点,并创造  前所未有的机遇,以赞助 获取新的收入并提高生产力。

For travel agents, IoT has the potential to address customer pain points and create unprecedented opportunities to capture new revenues and drive productivity.


The beauty of IoT is context, and the way that data and sensors can work together to deliver relevant information at just the right time.

例如,为寻找邻近 高评特别 卖餐厅的旅行者提供位置信息。

For instance, location-based information for a traveller looking for the best takeout restaurant nearby with the best customer reviews.

年夜 家都说,零售旅行社的商业模式已经消亡。然而,我更愿意将其视为旅行体验的变革  ,就像零售业的变革  一样。

Popular opinion suggests the demise of the retail travel agency business model. However, I prefer to see it as the evolution of the agency experience, similar that seen in the retail industry.

今天,旅行社需要为客户提供全程陪伴,从旅行灵感激  发到整个旅行进程 ,甚至直到旅行结束之后,去打造一种协作并极具创造  性的客户体验。

Agents of today need to be on the journey with the customer– from inspiration, to during the trip, and even after it’s over. It’s about designing a customer experience that is collaborative and creative.

旅行是为了获得精彩体验,而我相信旅行社一定是其中的症结 所在。

We travel to be amazed; and retail travel agencies play a significant part in that amazement.

(经济日报 记者:陈颐 朱琳 责编:雷雨田)

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